

Automated Monitoring and Targeting

Automated Monitoring and Targeting is a technique allowing businesses to to assert informed control over their use of energy resources.

By measuring consumption on small intervals a picture may be built up of the trends (weather, manufacturing cycles etc) and specific wastage in each sub metered department.

Once you have the data and a base-line set, targets may be set and monitored for achievement.
The Carbon Trust has conducted studies of over 1000 SMES and has concluded that organisations switching to AM&T identified 12% carbon savings and achieved cost savings of 5% original expenses*

By fitting our WiCOM-AMR (automated meter reading wireless transmitters) to meters or clamps, periodic detailed consumption data is collected and relayed by our MULTICOM unit in real time.
The data may be viewed and analysed on our online reporting website or is emailed to you for importing into your existing packages.

*Source: CTC714 – ‘Advanced Metering for SMEs: Carbon and Cost Savings’, Carbon Trust, May 2007